A Trunk in the Attic - by WizzKid (10 yr)
Once there was a small boy called Kimmie. He was a typical six year old. He went to school and had some friends. But he knew something no one else knew. He knew that up in the library's attic there was a trunk! A MAGIC trunk.
You could wish for something then lift the top of the trunk off and 'Hey Presto' there it was!
This is how it all began.......................
Kimmie was in the library, sellecting books, when something extra ordinary happened. He went into the library's attic to see if there were anymore books. Instead he found a large trunk. He opened it but there was nothing inside. He sighed and closed it saying 'I wish there were some more books'. Suddenly.... Kimmie heard an audible 'THUMP'.
He looked around realising it had come from the trunk and there were a whole lot of books he'd been longing for. He was amazed!
He thought 'maybe I can wish for anything'. So he wished for something else and there it was! He was dumbfounded.
He went home and told his parents about the trunk. They did not believe one word!
The next day walking to the library,five older boys pursued him. When he got to the library's attic he wished - 'I wish I had ROCKET BOOTS'. He quickly opened the trunk and there they were. He slipped them on.
They were perfect but, he did not know how to use them.The older boys were almost in the attic.
At the last second, Kimmie clicked his heels together and this activated the boots. He ZOOMED out of the window and got home safely.
Now his parents believed him, when he arrived home in rocket boots!
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